We are in LOVE! And no sorry, it is not our husbands, our children or even mt masking tape that have stolen our hearts this week! It is the discovery of a very cool, very addictive website called
Essentially, pinterest is a 'virtual pinboard', where you are able to create different collections of pictures that you love, as well as be able to follow the pin-boards of other like-minded souls - its basically a way of sharing the millions of stunning images floating around the cyberspace in one place! All you do is re-pin an image that you like to your own page.
We haven't even reached the point of creating our own page yet, we've just been so captivated looking at all the gorgeous pages. There are plenty of pretty paper and stationery images, which is fabulous for inspiration for presse-papiers, but we have also fallen in love with lots of other pages as well...
Here is a very small taste of what we discovered.
This will definitely not be the last time you hear from us about pinterest! You absolutely have to go and check it out.